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35 glock

35 Glock - This is a well balanced precision pistol. I put 100 rounds through the track without a single issue, jam or misfire. Some of the slide material is removed from the factory so it is not solid all the way through.

If you need accuracy, plus shoot the 40 cal. all day without hand fatigue, this G35 is perfect.

35 Glock

35 Glock

After doing some research looking for a highly accurate 40sw I bought a G35 gen 4. It is a very accurate rifle indeed. It is also very balanced and smooth for a 40sw. I am amazed at how tight my patterns are over long distances. I am very pleased with this rifle.

Glock 17/22/34/35 Gen 5 Mos Gun Grip Enhancement Gun Parts Kit

The most comfortable and accurate gun I own. I have several other Glocks, but this one is my favorite. I was never a fan of the 40er&W until I bought this one. Accuracy is equal. Now I will buy a mod. 22 extraordinary performance 35. GLOCKS are the way ................NO DOUBT!

Glock 35 - .40S&W - strong powerful weapon. The gun feels snug in the hand and is accurate enough to be trusted. I've said before that the long bolt Glock is a good special command pistol for use by agencies that issue Glock pistols. However, the long-bolt Glock is also a great pistol for home defense and competition. For those who can conceal a handgun under their clothing, the long bolt Glock is a viable defense pistol. In the right caliber, the rifle is also useful for hunting thin-skinned game.

.40 Smith and Wesson has proven itself as a versatile pistol caliber in many areas. Took a deer with a cartridge. And while I don't recommend using this weapon against bears, peace officers in dire straits stop bears with the .40S & W. The Glock favorite of many is the Model 35 Long Slide. The gun is comfortable to shoot and use, well balanced, ideal for most hands, has a long aiming radius and good accuracy.

The barrel length is 5.3 inches and the magazine capacity is 15 rounds. However, the rifle weighs only 28 ounces unloaded. The Glock M35 is 8.75 inches long, which is comparable to a full-size government model 1911. Even though the Glock 35 is chambered for a stiff cartridge, it is comfortable to shoot, the most comfortable .40 I have shot. For the purposes of this review, I took apart my long-serving Glock 35 and put it through its paces.

Two Toned Glock 35 In Cerakote H 216 And H 190 By Stephen Jordan

I loaded several magazines with the Winchester 3Gun FMJ round and hit man-sized targets at 10 and 15 meters. The rifle's draw was quick from the Galco belt slide, and it's quick on target. Place the front sight in the center of the target, pull the trigger straight back, and you hit.

Hornady's 155-grain XTP is a top-notch defensive load that clocked well over 1,150 fps over the Glock 35.

Catch Link when the trigger resets, fire again and you'll get another hit. The Glock 35 is better balanced than most polymer pistols and moves quickly between targets. The long range of vision helps a lot. Switching to a one-handed drill and a non-dominant hand drill, the gun remained controllable and good hits were made, but mine was a bit slower. The gun has good point and balance. Fire for the breech lock, the store changes quickly. Each magazine drops out for free without any problems.

35 Glock

I shot a few rounds for accuracy from a bench at 25 yards. Accuracy is consistent when the shooter is performing his role. Keep the sights aligned, get a good sight picture, pull the trigger back smoothly and you'll get a shot. The best 5-shot groups peaked around 2 inches, but averaged 3 inches, which is useful for competition and defense.

Glock 34/35 Iwb Kydex Holster

With the 180-grain XTP load, the Glock would handle deer at about 40 yards, and feral hogs are taken closer. The gun has more recoil than the 9mm, and the muzzle twist can be sharper than the .45, but the Glock M35 invites practice. I don't rub my wrists after a rowing session of 100 rounds or more.

Breaking through from the bench, the author fired quite well at the groups. A lot of equipment goes with us to the test site for thorough testing!

The characteristics of ammunition are interesting. As an example, the Winchester 180-grain PDX load climbs 960 fps over a typical Glock M22. Model 35 shows 990 frames per second. The moderate increase may be due to the rapid burning of the powder mixture of the Winchester load. This load burns clean and shows a little muzzle flash.

The Black Hills Ammunition 180-grain JHP tops the Glock 22 by about 980 fps, but the longer Glock 35's brisk 1,090 fps is a useful increase. The Hornady 155-Grain XTP hits 1,155 fps compared to the Glock Model 35. For hunting, I'd go with the 180-grain load. For home defense, the fast loading of 155 cores is attractive.

Mrm Cut Multicam Black Glock 35 By Abelardo Roman

The Glock 35 is a useful pistol that works well for a variety of tasks. As a go-anywhere gun, it is a top contender.

Do you have a Glock 35? Are you a fan of the .40S & W for hunting or self defense? Share your Glock 35 story in the comments section.

About the Author: Bob Campbell Bob Campbell's primary qualifications are a lifelong love of firearms, writing and science. He has a degree in criminal justice, but is self-taught on issues important to his readers. Campbell sees non-weapon skills as the first line of defense and weapons as a last resort. (He gets it right—his uncle, Jerry Campbell, is in the Boxing Hall of Fame.)

35 Glock

Campbell has written more than 6,000 feature and review columns and has written fourteen books for major publishers including Gun Digest, Skyhorse, and Paladin Press. Campbell served as a peace officer and security professional, making hundreds of arrests and sustaining multiple injuries on the job.

Pros And Cons Of The Glock 24 Versus The Glock 35 For Limited

He wrote a university-level curriculum, served as a leading missionary, and fell desperately in love with Joyce. Teaches his grandchildren not to be snowflakes. At an age when many are thinking about retirement, Bob is working 60-hour weeks and waiting to be picked up in the vortex for many more years.

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